The Nash Sister
Sisterhood is the Key.

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About the Book.
If you like Cold Sassy Tree, Fried Green Tomatoes, or anything Lee Smith, you will enjoy The Nash Sisters.

About the Author

Sheila Hobbs Warrick

“The Nash Sisters is such an extraordinary and heartwarming book! I could not put it down. Looking forward to more stories about these sisters!”

“A crisp fall day, a good cup of coffee, and a fine read! If you appreciate the dynamics of sibling relationships and tales of strong women who struggle and endure, you will enjoy The Nash Sisters!”

“I just finished this wonderful novel. I feel I know each of these women . . . I loved the book and am kind of sorry to have finished it! “

“Really loved the book...can't wait for more!! Heard a news reporter say something I thought one of the "sisters" might say, " . . . you need to let the guys win once in a while, so they will want to keep playing the game."

“I read this book in two days and laughed and cried my way through to the end. As Renee Zellweger said, "You had me at "chapter 1." I was crying and completely absorbed in the story and the lives. The author made them so real! It was sensitive, compassionate, and a "good story. I bought three copies for family and friends!"